Saturday, June 28, 2003

Barcelona dia 3

Hola Amigos,

I woke up this morning to begin writing the first couple of logs in my
adventures which I hope you have all enjoyed and at least somewhat understood.
I woke up at 6:30 this morning unable to go back to sleep. It seems six hours
of sleep with lots of siestas is just too much rest for my body. Breakfast was
much better this morning, we actually have fruit. Aww Scurvy, a sailors worst
enemy. Anyway, my legs were so sore from walking the day before, I thought my
herculean workout plan needed to have a small rest. Oh yeah, why Leif also
hates his sandals, while I was gone, he and the guys tried to descend a small
fence. Unfortunately for Leif, his sandal broke and so did his shorts. Ben
couldn´t stop laughing until Leif gave a nice punch. Eventually, the sleeping
princesses, Ben and Brian awoke and we took the metro to the train station to
leave our bags. We also decided on a new name for the Sorenson, the cricket,
always chirping some complaint, but occasionally moving very quickly like up a
flight of stairs to get out of the muggy metro. The metro of Barcelona is
quite a maze, it can take five minutes just to transfer lines, and air
conditioning does not exist. Arrggh!!! We took a cab from Sants Estacion to
the La Ramba, where Ben, I come to Europe to go shoe shopping, decides we need
to look for Air Max 95´s. He decides against for the 145 Euros they want, but
still decides we need to stop at another foot locker and Niketown. We
eventually meander our way to the cathedral during the heat of the day. I
might as well be a fountain with the amount I am perspiring. I take a seat on
a stone bench with some famous Spaniard and its so hot, my but gets branded
with this guys name on it. We next under my gifted navigation, I am yet to
actually lead us in the right direction once may I add, to find a central park.
As expected instead of east we are going North. Ah what a compass would do.
We pass by a Salvador Dali museum, the loco painter of the 20th century and I
not seeking enlightenment nor the loss of eight euros deside a nice chair in
the air conditioned pan restaurant with a second story view of a plaza was more
suitable. Especially the view of the Spanish mujeres. Leif who also forsake
the museum tried to read, but either were passed out or busy watching the
street traffic. An hour later, Brain and Ben, the enlightened ones, strolled
back, told us we missed some shit, turned to look out the window, and realized
it was they who had missed the view(s). We followed the street further to
Zara, the gap of Europe, where Brain bought a euro shirt, too tight and small,
just like I like to wear myself. We actually found a metro stop, by chance of
course, and went to the Temple of the Sagrada Family. This awesome monument by
Gaudi was incredible. I have never seen anything as cool in my life. The mix
of architecture, the colors, the park, the slushee, yeah baby!! All right my
internet is about to expire, basically we went to KFC, took a train back to the
train station and went to sleep in some couchets. Brian and I were without
snorers while Leif and Ben got all the luck, a symphony of Spanish snorers
ruining a perfect nights sleep on the train.

Hasta manana,


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